Josh Bammel, Principal of Kratos Quoted in D Magazine

Kratos Capital
June 8, 2017
Josh Bammel, Principal of Kratos Quoted in D MagazineJosh Bammel, Principal of Kratos Quoted in D Magazine

Josh Bammel, Principal of Kratos was quoted in D Magazine recently. Here's an excerpt:

"And, with the middle market a hot space, the scales have tipped in favor of that segment’s businesses that want to sell, according to Josh Bammel, principal at Dallas-based Kratos Capital. For one thing, many private equity firms are sitting on “dry powder”—capital they must put to work or return to their investors by a given deadline. In addition, corporate buyers are feeling pressure to grow revenue, a job that’s been difficult to achieve organically in the past few years.

However, a recent poll of Kratos clients found more than six out of 10 sellers fear a significant financial crisis over the next three years. 'The general sentiment was that the window of opportunity for the right deal was beginning to close, and could slam shut, because of a major downturn,' Bammel says."

You can read the article in its entirety here:

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